Wednesday, August 3, 2011

And so it begins

Assalamu Alaaikum to all!

Today is my 3rd day of Ramadhan. As a new Muslim, I am inclined to tell you the struggles and hardships that a Muslimah faces in a non-Muslim environment during times like these, and yet, I am inspired now more than ever to share the experiences of my Islamic journey to you. It has been an enriching and challenging journey so far, and I know that many are out there like me - new Muslims who are looking to deepen their knowledge about Islam and yet, struggling at the same time to make ends meet.

May Allah guide us all in this journey and constantly remind us that it is He who guided us to the Straight Path. I hope that by reading this blog, I may be able to enlighten even the non-Muslims with a thing or two about Islam and what Muslims are really like.

Insha Allah, you will follow the musings of this Muslimah in Manila.  

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