Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Islam and children

How do you raise a child in a non-Muslim environment like mine? Of course the idea has crossed my mind because I do want to have children of my own someday, insha Allah. But there are many considerations in raising a family, and aside from the obvious daily needs, there are the religious aspects that I, as a Muslim, value immensely. I will certainly not allow my children to grow up as non-believers, but I cannot count on society to help me with their guidance.

For starters, there are not many Islamic books for children. I tried searching in bookstores to see what Islamic books I can give to a kid who just turned a year old and unfortunately, I ended up finding just one. It was the story of two girls, one was Christian, and the other was Muslim who became the best of friends even with differing religions. Other than that, there was nothing else to teach the young Muslims about Islam in its most basic form. Sad. So where do parents turn to for help? Schools yes, but how many Islamic schools are there in Manila that combines both Islamic studies and regular education?

I am a little worried, to say the least. I know that we are the best examples to a child for they do as we do, speak as we speak, and think as we think. Every action must be of exemplary quality so that the children may inherit excellence and strive to do good at all times. However, if the world around them is corrupt, how do you shield them from these vile conditions? 

Help, anybody? 


  1. I think about this a lot too. But there are many resources out there, especially in Muslim countries.

    On YouTube there are Islamic videos for children as well. This is one of my favourites:

  2. I will check this out. Thank you for sharing. Jazak Allah!

  3. I Don't know about everything else, especially for Islamic schools. Alhamdulillah I was able to go to an Islamic school, I was surprised to see how many people moved to Michigan (my family included) just for the Islamic school. Anyway though, in terms of books, i'm here to tell you that there are a PLETHORA of books to read to children about Quran stories, the ettiquettes of a muslim. Have you ever been to ISNA Convention. I don't think there's an islamic book you can't find at that bazaar. Check out Sound Vision (soundvision.com) it has some amazing stuff; from quran story books, to how to pray salat, to even islamic songs. I grew up with those, and to this day I listen to them to really help me to remember what really is important in life you know? Good luck! Inshallah Allah (swt) will help you as long as you stay steadfast and make LOTS of dua! Assalamualaikum!
