Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fab finds

Assalamu Alaikum y'all!

I am so happy because my circle of Muslim friends are growing, Alhamdulillah! I remember when I used to complain about not having enough Muslim friends, but now, I not only have friends, I have Muslim sisters from all over the world. It all happened when one sister added me in facebook and from then on, I have been meeting so many sisters from different countries. This just goes to show that our religion unites people no matter what age, race, or nationality.

It's funny because I proved that girls will always be girls. Muslim girls are into fashion and beauty as much as other girls are, and this is something that not many people know about, I guess.

Anyway, I found these dresses from secret squirrel labelwhich I think would really look good on a Muslimah. You just need to "halal-ify" the look, if you know what I mean.

Monday workwear 

Tuesday hang-out (oh dear, I forgot my pants)

Wednesday luncheon 

Casual Thursday (let's go malling)

Date night Friday (don't forget hijab and pants)

Relaxed Saturday

Fashionable Sunday

Clinical chic
