Monday, May 14, 2012

Project Runway Philippines

In between the walima preparations, setting up our clothing business and personal writing gigs, I am also jugging my duties as the over-all in charge of the TV show called Project Runway Philippines. I had to keep all pictures hidden for so long because of confidentiality issues but now that the program is finally airing, then I have the liberty to post all PRP related photos already.

I just want to say that of the 15 designers who made it to the competition, one is a Muslimah! Yay! I was so proud and surprised that a sister made it to the show because this is a first, and believe it or not, I had nothing to do with it. Insha Allah, her presence in the show breaks all stereotypes about Muslims and shows everybody that we too, know what being fashionable and stylish is all about - in a halal way.

With the designers
The cast with the show director

The 15 designers. Spot our sister!

Philippines' version of Heidi Klum - supermodel Tweetie de Leon

Walima, finally

I bring such great news after 3 months of blogging hiatus. Not even my crazy schedule can stop me from talking about this because I waited for this moment for so long and Allah is very good to me because he is granting this wish a year exactly after I asked for it, and that is our walima. Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! I am ecstatic!!!!

Walima is an Arabic term that means "banquet." I don't know if that is a common term among Muslims in the Philippines because some know it, while some don't. Anyway, a walima is basically a wedding reception and we all know what a wedding reception is so no need to expound on that. 

But I can expound on what our walima is going to be like! 

Now that we are in the process of actual preparations, I am feeling a little stressed because I am bursting with so much ideas but the minimal time and budget is preventing me from going all out. 

The walima will be held in Intramuros, also known as the walled city. Back in the 16th century, the Spaniards built a fortress around the perimeter of this area to protect it from so-called invaders, but in reality, they were just keeping the real inhabitants of this nation out, and those were the Muslims. Now, it's time to reclaim what is rightfully ours, so to speak. So a walima here is rightfully deserved.

On to our wedding pegs. How nice if this set-up can be re-created.

Love the dangling/lighting effect
Dessert Buffet
I could add more to these but I am keeping it to a minimum because this is what's realistic. In fact, I'm not even sure what can be pulled off given our budget constraints. Yet, I am grateful to Allah every second because this walima is really an answered prayer.

Will be back for more updates on the preparations, inshaAllah.