About this blog

I think I'm boring. I have such a drab life so I will pretend to have an exciting one through this blog. I will pretend that I am a fashionista, a foodie, an adventurer, an explorer, and so much more. I will act like I have a thrilling life. Let's see if this make-believe drama gets me anywhere...

But, aside from the non-existent exciting life, I am truly a Muslimah in Manila. So expect the contents of this blog to be Halal-centric.

So, as a make-believe foodie, I will tell you all the great Halal food spots in the metro.

As a make-believe fashionista, I will let you in on the latest in Islamic fashion. Okay, maybe not the latest, but I'll definitely give you my two cents on dressing up and styling, Muslimah style.

As a make-believe explorer, I will present some fantastic sights and sounds that are well-worth trying out...

So, who's up for it?